iOmniscient tops Gartners list for the Most Comprehensive Video Analytics Solutions worldwide - Click here
iOmniscient & Intel invite you to see our Safe City AI Solutions at ASIAL 2022, Sydney
iOmniscient at Intersec 2022


Invites You To
Security Exhibition & Conference 2022

iOmniscient and Intel invite you to see our 
Safe City AI Solutions

Autonomous AI Solutions that have been deployed and proven in 70+ countries.

iOmniscient can help you implement an Autonomous Safe City Project at a lower cost than that of a recording system. Through good design you can achieve substantial saving such as:

  • 90+% reduction in Storage and Network Bandwidth costs WITHOUT sacrificing the quality of information you receive. See: video.
  • Lower computing hardware costs as there is no need for expensive GPUs.
  • Less camera infrastructure: a tenth of the cameras that you might otherwise require
  • Reduction in labour costs to a fraction of what they are now
  • Reduction in deployment time as there is no requirement for extensive labour intensive data annotation and training.
  • Reduction in operational costs - highly accurate system armed with NAMS (our false alarm minimization capability) minimizing time having to be spent dealing with massive numbers of false alarms

Come visit us and understand how we have gone beyond analyzing video into Multi-sensory Analytics involving  Video, Sound and Smell to improve the productivity and usefulness of your systems even while you save money.

Event:   Security Exhibition & Conference 2022

Date:    17 - 19 August 2022

Time:    09:00 – 18:00

Venue:  International Convention Centre, Sydney

Booth:  G27


About iOmniscient: Projects in 70 countries; Intel Alliance Partner of the Year (APJ 2021);

Look forward to seeing you

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