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Outcome-Basis advice from someone who has implemented 75 Smart Cities


Outcome-Basis advice from someone who has implemented 75 Smart Cities

Today everyone is talking about AI. A survey of our customers showed that almost every one of them was keen to implement Multi-sensory AI technology. The survey also showed that their most significant constraining factor was that they had no experience in this field. Many had employed enthusiastic AI developers but virtually none had implemented large scale solutions for environments like Smart Cities, Airports, Retail Malls or Manufacturing Plants.

Their challenge was that AI software developers built products and were not necessarily focused on their actual business problems and they found it very difficult to find independent consultants who had any real experience at implementing such systems.

The result is that many initial AI systems have failed to deliver on their promise despite millions of dollars having been spent on them. 

Making It Happen
With the intent of addressing this customer requirement, iOmniscient has consolidated its 23 years of experience in implementing AI systems across 70 countries and has established a Professional Services Division with a 5-fold capability which addresses:

If you are looking at implementing an Autonomous Multi-sensory AI based system, we are there to help you make sure it delivers to your expectations. We make it happen for you.

We don’t sell products. We guarantee outcomes. 
Contact us and we can help you start your AI journey.

Our founders, Ivy Li and Dr Rustom Kanga will be there. Please RSVP here.

About iOmniscient:

iOmniscient provides AI based Multi-Sensor Analytics involving video, sound and smell to better replicate human reasoning. These technologies are proven and have been implemented by commercial and government users in almost 70 countries.

iOmniscient specializes in addressing complex, extremely crowded and realistic environments – doing things that others cannot do. It offers applications for over 300 use cases for smart cities, smart roads, smart buildings, smart construction, predictive maintenance and 30+ industries.

iOmniscient does MORE with LESS and it can be less expensive to implement an iOmniscient intelligent system than one without intelligence.

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